Vegrab Organic Farming

About Us

We provide leading solutions to agricultural activities.

Who we are

We are Cultivating Ideas for Growth.

Vegrab Organic Farming isused to provide leading solutions to agricultural and agro-industrial production through world-class products and services, always committed to meeting the needs and expectations.

People at Vegrab are helping farmers to emerging markets maximize their profits. We use agronomic and agro-industrial production through world-class products.


Contact us for Service

+255 769 058 814

Our Vision

Nourishing the world with certified organic products grown from sustainable lands and growing ecosystems.

Our Mission

Working on enhancing agrigreen business and community support towards the world that is free from climate change crisis and food insecurity.

our goal

1.Unloacking the access to quality food and spices production and marketing in by Supporting the local communities especially youth and women individuals/CBOs/NGOs to access the agribusiness services and markets

2. Promotion of agrigreen business that is environmental friendly and supporting sustainable ecosystems through Good Agriculture Prctices and Environmental conservation programs.

3. Taking the Tanzania agri products to the international standards and quality that competes the world market.